Copperfield - Volume One
Juniper Rich, 70cl
Copperfield - Volume Two
Floral Notes, 70cl
Copperfield - Volume Three
Orange Spice, 70cl
Exceptional Gin
We specialise in producing small batch editions of our unique gins in an environmentally sustainable way.
Our gins are developed from what is believed to be the oldest published gin recipe from 1757.
We infuse the spirit vapour through our botanicals for stronger aromas, fuller flavours and a smoother more elegant experience.
100% of our energy comes from renewable sources.

Our Still
Our gin still is called Clara and she is very special. She is a 300 litre Mini Carterhead still and was designed specifically for our distillery by one of the world’s leading craft distillery manufacturers, Green Engineering of Italy.

The Surrey Copper Distillery
222 Dunsfold Park